Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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C/C++ Source or Header
380 lines
* browser - Rummage around on disks.
* copyright (c) 1986, Mike Meyer
* Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program, so long as this
* source file is distributed with it, and this copyright notice is not
* removed from the file.
* Locks, general - do I need a stack of locks, one per directory level?
* do I have to free the lock in done?
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define GRAPHICS_REV 1
#define LONGEST_NAME 80 /* Longest file name we can deal with */
#define LONGEST_LINE 256 /* Longest line we will deal with */
#define AVG_LINE_LENGTH 66 /* A guess, tune it if you need to */
#define UP_GADGET ((unsigned short) 0)
#define DOWN_GADGET ((unsigned short) 1)
#define GWIDTH 16 /* Width of my two gadgets */
#define GHEIGHT 9 /* and their heights */
* Pictures for the up and down arrows
static USHORT arrows[2][GHEIGHT] = {
{0xFE7F, 0xFC3F, 0xFA5F, 0xF66F, /* Up */
0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, 0xFE7F},
{0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, 0xFE7F, /* Down */
0xFE7F, 0xF66F, 0xFA5F, 0xFC3F, 0xFE7F}
} ;
* Now, the Image structures that use the arrows
static struct Image Arrow_Image[2] = {
{0, 0, GWIDTH, GHEIGHT, 1, arrows[UP_GADGET], 1, 0, /* Up */
(struct Image *) NULL},
{0, 0, GWIDTH, GHEIGHT, 1, arrows[DOWN_GADGET], 1, 0, /* Down */
(struct Image *) NULL}
} ;
* Now, my two Gadget structures
static struct Gadget Up_Gadget = {
(struct Gadget *) NULL,
0, 1 - GHEIGHT, /* Left, Top */
GRELBOTTOM | GADGIMAGE /* Standard bottom border gadget */
RELVERIFY | BOTTOMBORDER, /* Messages when released */
BOOLGADGET, /* These be boolean gadgets */
(APTR) &(Arrow_Image[UP_GADGET]),
(APTR) NULL, /* No rendering image, using HCOMP */
(struct IntuiText *) NULL,
0, /* No mutex */
(APTR) NULL, /* Nothing special */
UP_GADGET, /* Yes, this is the up gadget */
(APTR) NULL /* And nothing of mine */
} ;
static struct Gadget Down_Gadget = {
&Up_Gadget, /* Next gadget is Up_Gadget */
GWIDTH + 2, 1 - GHEIGHT, /* Left, Top */
GRELBOTTOM | GADGIMAGE /* Standard bottom border gadget */
RELVERIFY | BOTTOMBORDER, /* Messages when released */
BOOLGADGET, /* These be boolean gadgets */
(APTR) &(Arrow_Image[DOWN_GADGET]),
(APTR) NULL, /* No rendering image, using HCOMP */
(struct IntuiText *) NULL,
0, /* No mutex */
(APTR) NULL, /* Nothing special */
DOWN_GADGET, /* Yes, this is the up gadget */
(APTR) NULL /* And nothing of mine */
} ;
* Now, the window for it all
static struct NewWindow New_Window = {
0, 0, 640, 200, /* Full screen */
-1, -1, /* Default pens */
MENUPICK | CLOSEWINDOW /* I want to know about menupicks */
| GADGETUP, /* Window closes and gadgets */
ACTIVATE /* Standard window */
&Down_Gadget, /* Add my gadgets */
(struct Image *) NULL,
"Browser 0.0", /* Title */
(struct Screen *) NULL,
(struct BitMap *) NULL,
100, 40, /* Minimum sizes */
640, 200, /* Maximum sizes */
WBENCHSCREEN /* and put it on the workbench */
} ;
* My very own variables (mostly for done)
static struct Window *My_Window = NULL ;
static FILE *infile = NULL ; /* Current input file */
static void Page_File(unsigned short) ;
* And someone else's variables
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase ;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase ;
extern struct Menu *AutoMenu ;
* Finally, declare the string twiddling functions as voids
void strcat(char *, char *), strcpy(char *, char *) ,
strncat(char *, char *, int) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
main() {
_main() {
register struct IntuiMessage *message, *GetMsg(struct MsgPort *) ;
register unsigned short class, code ;
/* Set up the world this lives in */
if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary("intuition.library", INTUITION_REV)) == NULL)
done(20, "can't open intuition library") ;
if ((GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary("graphics.library", GRAPHICS_REV)) == NULL)
done(20, "can't open graphics library") ;
if ((My_Window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&New_Window)) == NULL)
done(20, "can't open the window") ;
SetAPen(My_Window -> RPort, 1) ; /* Should be default! */
/* Set up the first menu level */
Menu_Init() ;
Menu_Add("disks ", TRUE) ;
Menu_Item_Add("df0:", ITEMENABLED, 0, 0) ;
Menu_Item_Add("df1:", ITEMENABLED, 0, 0) ;
Menu_Item_Add("ram:", ITEMENABLED, 0, 0) ;
SetMenuStrip(My_Window, AutoMenu) ;
/* Now spin on messages, handling them as they arrive */
for (;;) {
Wait(1 << My_Window -> UserPort -> mp_SigBit) ;
while (message = GetMsg(My_Window -> UserPort)) {
class = message -> Class ;
code = message -> Code ;
ReplyMsg(message) ;
switch (class) {
done(0, "exit") ;
if (code != MENUNULL)
Examine_Menu_Pick(code) ;
break ;
Page_File(((struct Gadget *) (message -> IAddress)) -> GadgetID) ;
break ;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("browser: intuition event 0x%x\n", class) ;
done(20, "unexpected intution event") ;
break ;
done(20, "broke out of never-breaking loop!") ;
* Examine_Menu_Pick - takes a menu pick, and twiddles the state variables
* to match that pick.
Examine_Menu_Pick(Menu_Number) unsigned short Menu_Number; {
register unsigned short level, i, dirp ;
register char *cp ;
char *name, *strchr(char *, int) ;
struct MenuItem *ItemAddress(struct Menu *, unsigned short) ;
/* State variables that describe the current directory */
static char Dir_Name[LONGEST_NAME] ;
static unsigned short Menu_Level = 0 ;
name = ((struct IntuiText *)
(ItemAddress(AutoMenu, Menu_Number) -> ItemFill)) -> IText ;
level = MENUNUM(Menu_Number) ;
/* Got what we want, so clear the menu to avoid confusing the user */
ClearMenuStrip(My_Window) ;
/* set dirp to FALSE if the name is not a directory or disk */
dirp = (strchr(name, '/') != NULL || strchr(name, ':') != NULL) ;
/* First, set the directory name right */
if (level > Menu_Level) /* Not possible, die */
done(20, "impossible menu value returned") ;
else if (level == 0) /* picked a new disk */
Dir_Name[0] = '\0' ;
else if (level < Menu_Level) { /* Throw away some levels */
for (i = 1, cp = strchr(Dir_Name, ':'); i < level; i++) {
if (cp == NULL) done(20, "broken file name") ;
cp = strchr(cp, '/') ;
if (cp == NULL) done(20, "broken file name") ;
*++cp = '\0' ;
/* else Menu_Level == level, chose a file at current level */
/* Now, fix up the menu and it's state variable */
while (Menu_Level > level) {
Menu_Level-- ;
Menu_Pop() ;
/* If we added a directory, tack it onto the name */
if (dirp) {
Menu_Level++ ;
strncat(Dir_Name, name, LONGEST_NAME - strlen(Dir_Name) - 1) ;
/* Now, tell the user all about it */
if (dirp) Add_Dir(Dir_Name, name) ;
else Display_File(Dir_Name, name) ;
SetMenuStrip(My_Window, AutoMenu) ;
* Add_Dir - given a dir and a name, add the menu name with the files in
* dir as entries.
Add_Dir(dir, name) char *dir, *name; {
register char *last_char ;
register struct FileLock *my_lock, *Lock(char *, int) ;
unsigned short count ;
struct FileInfoBlock File_Info ;
static char Name_Buf[LONGEST_NAME] ;
/* Fix up the trailing / if it needs it */
last_char = &dir[strlen(dir) - 1] ;
if (*last_char == '/') *last_char = '\0' ;
/* Now, start on the directory */
if ((my_lock = Lock(dir, ACCESS_READ)) == NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("browser: error trying to lock %s, IoErr says %d\n",
dir, IoErr()) ;
done(20, "can't get lock on file") ;
if (!Examine(my_lock, &File_Info)) done(20, "can't examine file") ;
if (File_Info . fib_DirEntryType < 0)
done(20, "Add_Dir called with a non-directory") ;
Menu_Add(name, TRUE) ;
for (ExNext(my_lock, &File_Info), count = 0;
ExNext(my_lock, &File_Info), count++)
if (File_Info . fib_DirEntryType < 0)
Menu_Item_Add(File_Info . fib_FileName, ITEMENABLED,
0, 0) ;
else {
strcpy(Name_Buf, File_Info . fib_FileName) ;
strcat(Name_Buf, "/") ;
Menu_Item_Add(Name_Buf, ITEMENABLED, 0, 0) ;
if (count == 0) Menu_Item_Add("EMPTY", 0, 0, 0) ;
/* Put everything back */
if (*last_char == '\0') *last_char = '/' ;
UnLock(my_lock) ;
* Display_File - given a directory path and file name, put the first page of
* the file in the window.
Display_File(dir, name) char *dir, *name; {
static char File_Name[LONGEST_NAME] ;
FILE *fopen(char *, char *) ;
/* Get the file name */
strcpy(File_Name, dir) ;
strcat(File_Name, name) ;
if (infile != NULL) fclose(infile) ;
if ((infile = fopen(File_Name, "r")) == NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("File: %s\n", File_Name) ;
done(20, "can't open file") ;
Page_File(DOWN_GADGET) ; /* Down from page 0 */
* Page_File - move the file up or down one "page"
static void
Page_File(direction) int direction; {
/* These two should be registers, but it the it breaks the compiler */
short Page_Length, where ;
static char buffer[LONGEST_LINE], *blanks ;
if (infile == NULL) return ;
blanks =
" " ;
Page_Length = (My_Window -> Height - 20) / 8 ;
if (direction == UP_GADGET) { /* Seek back one page */
if (ftell(infile) < AVG_LINE_LENGTH * (Page_Length + 2))
fseek(infile, 0L, 0) ;
else {
fseek(infile, (long) -Page_Length * AVG_LINE_LENGTH, 1) ;
fgets(buffer, LONGEST_LINE, infile) ;
else if (direction != DOWN_GADGET)
done(20, "Illegal argument to Page_File") ;
for (where = 17; Page_Length--; where += 8) {
Move(My_Window -> RPort, 3, where) ;
Text(My_Window -> RPort, blanks, 79) ;
Move(My_Window -> RPort, 3, where) ;
if (fgets(buffer, LONGEST_LINE, infile) == NULL)
return ;
if (strlen(buffer) < LONGEST_LINE - 1)
Text(My_Window -> RPort, buffer, strlen(buffer) - 1) ;
else {
Text(My_Window -> RPort, "Long line read!", 15) ;
fclose(infile) ;
infile = NULL ;
return ;
* done - just close everything that's open, and exit.
done(how, why) int how; char *why; {
if (My_Window) {
ClearMenuStrip(My_Window) ;
Menu_Clear() ;
CloseWindow(My_Window) ;
if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase) ;
if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase) ;
if (infile) fclose(infile) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("browser: %s\n", why) ;
(void) OpenWorkBench() ;
exit(how) ;